Officer Detail: PATRICE R. ALLEN

General Information

OpenOversight ID 32568
Unique Internal Identifier IBM#1764
Department [NY] Rochester Police Department
Race Black
Gender Female
Birth Year (Age) 1970 (~55 y/o)
First Employment Date 2006-02-06
Number of known incidents 2
Currently on the force Yes

Assignment History

Job Title Badge No. Unit Start Date End Date
Officer 1764 2006-02-06


Annual Salary Overtime Total Pay Year
$87,431.06 $1,177.58 $88,608.64 FY2019
$78,630.41 $1,013.74 $79,644.15 FY2018


Incident 59

Date Jul 24, 2019
Department Rochester Police Department
Officers Patrice R. Allen

According to City of Rochester public records, Officer Allen plead guilty to the New York State violation disorderly conduct in Niagara Falls, NY City Court. There is no further information on the disorderly conduct charge.


Officer Allen received ten days' suspension without pay

Address Rochester, NY

Incident 58

Date Sep 11, 2014
Department Rochester Police Department
Officers Patrice R. Allen

According to the Davy V. Blog, Officer Allen was tailgating an individual who eventually pulled over to let the RPD vehicle pass. Officer Allen pulled up next to the individual and asked why they had pulled over; the individual asked Officer Allen for her badge number, but she refused, saying it was "none of your business."

Address Highland Ave
Rochester, NY