Officer Detail: LUCAS BURRITT

General Information

OpenOversight ID 32664
Unique Internal Identifier IBM#2220
Department [NY] Rochester Police Department
Race White
Gender Male
Birth Year (Age) 1988 (~37 y/o)
First Employment Date 2010-08-30
Number of known incidents 1
Currently on the force Yes

Assignment History

Job Title Badge No. Unit Start Date End Date
Officer 2220 2010-08-30


Annual Salary Overtime Total Pay Year
$83,610.08 $11,845.27 $95,455.35 FY2019
$75,606.16 $5,909.78 $81,515.94 FY2018


Incident 78

Date Sep 18, 2017
Department Rochester Police Department
Officers Lucas Burritt

In a lawsuit, in which Lucas Burritt was named, someone accused Burrit and other officers of using "excessive and unlawful force against him, falsely arrested him, and subsequently fabricated official police paperwork and committed perjury in an attempt to cover-up this wrongdoing."

Address Rochester, NY