Officer Detail: Karl B. Schultz

General Information

Name Karl B. Schultz
OpenOversight ID 84461
Department [NY] Buffalo Police Department
Race White
Gender Male
Birth Year (Age) Data Missing
First Employment Date 2008-08-01
Number of known incidents 2
Currently on the force Yes

Assignment History

Job Title Badge No. Unit Start Date End Date
Lieutenant E District 2024-04-08
Police Officer P2783 B District 2017-12-18 2024-04-08
Police Officer P2783 C District 2011-01-09 2017-12-18
Police Officer P2783 C District 2009-05-04 2010-07-26
Police Officer P2783 Academy 2008-08-01 2009-05-04


Annual Salary Overtime Total Pay Year
$108,822.55 $15,725.44 $124,547.99 FY2023
$85,720.75 FY2022
$83,208.03 $820.67 $84,028.70 FY2021
$103,838.00 FY2020


Incident 39

Date Sep 12, 2020
Department Buffalo Police Department
Officers Karl B. Schultz

Willie Henley was shot in the abdomen by Buffalo police. "Put your bat down," calls out one officer with a gun pointed at Henley. "Nobody wants to hurt you." Henley, who continues to try to walk away from the group of more than half a dozen officers, some of whom have weapons drawn, responds, "I didn’t call y'all! I wasn’t doing nothing. I was by myself." Henley was known for carrying his baseball bat wherever he went, slept with it on street corners at night, and lined up for meals every day with it at the Buffalo City Mission. Those who regularly interacted with him described him as "very quiet, very peaceful."

Address Buffalo, NY

Incident 38

Date Jun 24, 2012
Time 03:00 AM
Department Buffalo Police Department
Officers Karl B. Schultz , Jason A. Whitenight , Daniel Derenda

Wilson Morales was shot by Buffalo police officers after a car chase on the city’s East Side. The bullet that struck Morales, then a 17-year-old student at WNY Maritime Charter School, instantly paralyzed him from the chest down.


Morales, who is still recuperating, faces trial on charges of assaulting a police officer and unlawfully fleeing from a police officer.

Buffalo’s Common Council authorized one of the largest lawsuit settlements in the city’s history: $4.5 million to Morales. A grand jury cleared Officer Karl B. Schultz and a partner at the time, Jason R. Whitenight, agreeing they fired in self-defense as the teenager backed the van he was driving toward Whitenight at the tail-end of a high-speed chase.

Address Buffalo, NY
