General Information

Name John Cirulli
OpenOversight ID 96391
Department [NY] Buffalo Police Department
Race White
Gender Male
Birth Year (Age) Data Missing
First Employment Date None
Number of known incidents 1
Currently on the force Yes

Assignment History

Job Title Badge No. Unit Start Date End Date
Police Officer Unknown


Incident 31

Date Apr 24, 2014
Department Buffalo Police Department
Officers Nicholas A. Militello , Jeffrey Rinaldo , John Cirulli , Dennis R. Gilbert , Brian Griffin , Lindsay A. Laracuente-Zgoda

CW: On the night of April 19th, when John Willet was driving, he noticed a car was following him. Fearing that it may be someone meaning to do him harm, he sped away. The car following him turned out to be undercover police car, which pursued Willet to Ontario and Philadelphia Streets. Willet parked his vehicle, got out and ran across the street where he willingly surrendered. Willet reported that he stood there with his hands in the air when an officer punched him and threw him down to the ground. Officers kneed and punched Willet while trying to apprehend him. An officer kicked and punched Willet while he was handcuffed and laying face down, pleading for them to stop. Willet was charged with resisting arrest and minor drug possession charges.

Address Buffalo, NY