Officer Detail: Jose M. Rivera

General Information

Name Jose M. Rivera
OpenOversight ID 84423
Department [NY] Buffalo Police Department
Race Hispanic
Gender Male
Birth Year (Age) Data Missing
First Employment Date 2016-11-04
Number of known incidents 1
Currently on the force Yes

Assignment History

Job Title Badge No. Unit Start Date End Date
Police Officer P3633 Unknown


Annual Salary Overtime Total Pay Year
$73,618.00 FY2020


Incident 35

Date May 07, 2017
Department Buffalo Police Department
Officers Justin P. Tedesco , Joseph B. Acquino , Jose M. Rivera , Richard N. Hy , Jonathan F. Bierl , Henry Velez , Daniel Derenda

CW: Officers beat and fatally shot Jose Hernandez-Rossy during an unlawful, racially-motivated traffic stop.

Address Buffalo, NY